Varicose veins can be prevented.

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Varicose veins are caused by abnormalities in the veins that have small valves that open and close at every stage in the veins to allow blood to flow up to the heart. There is a blockage to prevent blood from flowing back down until blood stagnates in the distal veins, causing the veins to bulge and twist abnormally.

The size of the varicose veins that occur may expand or decrease depending on other factors. Such as being unusually overweight, pregnancy, genetics, older age, taking birth control pills for a long time, or the nature of the job that requires sitting or standing for a long time. In particular, women are at much higher risk than men. There are two types of varicose veins in the legs:

  • Spider Veins are the first stage of varicose veins on the legs. They are cause by purple or red spider veins that appear like spider webs. They can also appear on the face and vary in size.  
  • Varicose veins are similar to bulging veins because the vein walls lose their elasticity. Causing the veins to bulge and curl into a wavy shape, appearing green or green mix with purple, approximately 1-3 millimeters in size.

    Varicose veins usually start to appear in the calves first, without any symptoms. However, upon observation, you will see swollen, bulging, coiled, bumpy, blue, green, or purple veins under the skin. Some people may feel tired, have muscle pain, feel heavy in their legs, may feel itchy. And have pain when standing or sitting for a long time. The legs and feet may swell or cramp at night.

    It is best to always check and do not neglect because they can be treated early before they become serious or there is no way to prevent varicose veins from occurring early on, such as exercising regularly to improve blood circulation. Do not let yourself sit or stand for long periods of time. Even crossing your legs frequently can prevent blood from circulating and cause varicose veins. You should also wear comfortable shoes with heels that are not too high. Also, pants that you wear should not be too tight or tight because they can also prevent blood from circulating.